Menu Description

Menu "File"

Saved buffer

Use this function to recover any saved version of buffer for a maximum of 100. The counter of file version is reset to 0 at opening a new file or an existing file - new in version 0.2.5

Menu "Templates"

New Quick Score

Creates a new score with one instrument. should be inserted into an empty file.

Inser in score

You can use these menu items, if you want add into an existing lilypond music score, a new instrument, or a new group of instruments. All items above should be inserted into an empty group, or immediately after / before another instrument

Solo Piano Template

Creates a new score for solo piano. should be inserted into an empty file.

Quartet Template

Creates a new score for four intrument. Should be inserted into an empty file.

Quartet and Piano Template

Creates a new score with two groups of instruments (Quartet and Piano). Should be inserted into an empty file.

Sextet Template

Creates a new score for six intruments. Should be inserted into an empty file.

Sextet and Piano Template

Creates a new music score with two groups of instruments (Sextet and Piano). Should be inserted into an empty file.

Menu "Top & Braces"


Inserts the Lilypond version as memorized in Edit-> Settings. Should be inserted outside of any block (delimited by braces: {})

Staff size

Resizes all staves. Should be inserted outside of any block.


Page size

Modifies the size of pages. The first item inserts a definition without a specific page format. You can use it to add manually the page size. All these definitions should be inserted outside of any block.


Inserts the items of "\paper{}" block. Click on the top item, to insert an empty "\paper{}" block.


Menu "Music"

All the following items should be inserted within a
 \staff {} 



Key signatures

Note heads




Several modes of attacks:







Slur, Ties, Beams...

Trills, grace notes...

Bars and Measures


Add Lyrics

Piano specifics

Generated on Mon Feb 7 20:24:09 2011 for Clilypboard by  doxygen 1.4.7